IMMAC Holding AG is a Hamburg-based property investment company which, with its subsidiaries in Austria, England, and Ireland, is a leader in property investments in the healthcare sector. The IMMAC funds primarily own social facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes and residential complexes for
senior citizens. The fund portfolio is one of the largest in Europe and provides a home for several thousand people in need. The investment volume to date is more than 2 billion euros. A significant number of private healthcare providers, charities and church operators have created well over 10,000 jobs in IMMAC care centres in recent years.
The IMMAC group has received numerous awards and has been voted the best fund provider in
Germany. Since the beginning of 2023, the IMMAC groups as been majority-owned by a consortium of cooperative banks under the leadership of Hannoversche Volksbank eG.
Profunda provides IMMAC with strategic advice on product development and financial engineering.